Peoplescout / TMPW

Interview Case study


Peoplescout / TMPW

“Shaqkeal scored well across the board. We were impressed with his scenario presentation and his attention to detail. The persona and user journey he had created were thorough and broached important topics. Using the PeopleScout branding in the slides also showed polish and a good level of audience/client understanding.

The experiences that Shaqkeal recounted during the competency-based questions revealed a collaborative team-worker who makes an effort to understand and empathise with those around him. His passion for UX and product design shone through, as well as his passion for community projects.

Shaqkeal was engaging throughout the interview, and it was clear he’d taken time to research TMP, our work, and the interviewers, mentioning relevant TMP website articles and LinkedIn activity. We enjoyed meeting Shaqkeal, and he came a very close second. We will certainly keep him in mind should our team have the opportunity to grow”.


*Outcome of project - The team were happy with my work and we are remaining in contact for future opportunities.

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Made by Shaqkeal Abiodun


My Roles: UX Designer / User research

Application: Figma / Figjam

Duration: 1 Week

Company: Peoplescout / TMPW

Task Overview

  1. Identify or create a simple persona for someone looking for a skilled job at Sainsbury’s

a. Choose from one of these roles:

  • Accountant

  • Product Manager

  • Data Analyst

  • Software Engineer

  • Marketing Exec

  1. Follow the user journey for that persona from initial search to the beginning of an application (no need to actually do an application).